Quality Counts > Magazine > Information > Puerto Rico
Quality Award, PRTC
Quality Award, PRTC
Quality Counts > Information > Puerto Rico
Successful tourism involves more than great weather, lovely beaches and exotic views. The entire tourism sector, from restaurants to resorts, must provide guests with outstanding service. To focus on quality service as a top priority in the local tourism industry, the Puerto Rico Tourism Company (PRTC) has developed a variety of ratings, rewards and trainings through its Tourism Quality Control Division. Following are some of the ways PRTC makes quality count:

Ratings:Star Rating System Inaugurated several years ago for PRTC-endorsed hotels, this system rates hotels from one to five stars using independent, international, objective criteria. For a listing of the ratings, see page 114.

Quality Index Score Rating:In the process of being implemented, these scores provide an in-depth look at a hotel’s overall quality based on infrastructure inspection reports, on-site service evaluations, and guest comment cards.

Rewards: Tourism Quality Award These awards are presented in an annual ceremony to hotel properties that have distinguished themselves throughout the year in improving their service and facilities.

Quality (Q) Seal: Q seals, noted in the individual accommodation listings, are offered to hotels that fulfill PRTC requirements, provide managerial training, and promote the Guest Comment Cards.

Trainings: SuperHost Program This successful one-day workshop promotes excellence in customer service and demonstrates the importance of tourism for the economic development of
Puerto Rico.

School and Educational Programs Programs such as Hello Tourist! Are geared to students at all levels to instill a positive attitude and the skills needed for working in hospitality and tourism.

Train the Trainer:This two-and-a-half-day seminar, complemented by the Standard of Performance Manual, helps managers and supervisors develop an effective training structure for their employees,
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